Monday, September 26, 2016

Data and Democracy

Data and Democracy (2016)

Academic / Data Science

Author(s):  Andrew Therriault

Short book about the use of data during elections. The effects of telephone and internet polls, databases, advertising, donations, and many other important factors that can be measured and analyzed using data science.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Final Jeopardy

Final Jeopardy (2011)


Author(s): Stephen Baker

The story of how IBM built Watson, the supercomputer capable of playing the famous television game Jeopardy! The book covers a lot of aspects like how Jeopardy! was born, the most famous players, how an IBM team started building the software and the final televised match against the champions.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

R in Action

R in Action, Second Edition (2015)

Academic / Programming

Author(s):  Robert Kabacoff

Great book for everyone who wants to wants to learn R and also a lot of data science concepts at the same time. This was my first R book and I can't compare it to others but it is one of the best rated in Amazon and it is pretty well written compared to other programming books I've read. If you want to learn this language I totally recommend it!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Capital in the Twenty-First Century

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013)


Author(s): Thomas Piketty

One of the bests I've read, originally written in french and translated to english. The main focus is capital productivity and inequality since the 18th century. The book includes a lot of charts and sources with explanations about how and why is capital inequally distributed, how it will envolve and what should we do about it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sabr and Sabr Libor Market Models in Practice

Sabr and Sabr Libor Market Models in Practice (2015)

Academic / Finance

Author(s): Peter Larkin, GĂ©rald Wigger & Christian Crispoldi

Advanced book about the implementation of SABR Market Model, LIBOR Market Model and SABR LIBOR Market Model in python. The book focuses mostly in the modeling (complex mathematical framework) with a few python codes at the end of each chapter.

Sons of Wichita

Sons of Wichita (2014)


Author(s): Daniel Schulman

The history of the four Koch brothers and Koch Industries. The book starts with the foundation of the company by their father, Fred Koch, and then follows the life of the brothers around the company. 

Data Science for Business

Data Science for Business (2013)

Academic / Data Analysis

Author(s): Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett

The book covers aspects of data science theory in general. Without going deep in mathematical aspects, it explains very well the steps to solve problems using data science with examples and details of every step from data mining, model selection, training and finally understanding the results.

The Second Machine Age

The Second Machine Age (2014)


Author(s): Erik Brynjolfsson & Andrew McAfee

Similar to The Rise of The Robots, the book lays down many evidence of the advancements of AI applied to many fields and how it could affect our future in the short term.

Poor Economics

Poor Economics (2011)


Author(s): Abhijit Banerjee & Esther Duflo

A well explained recopilation of many academic researches about the poor mostly in Africa and India. The book brings to light many new studies about how and why the poor take some decisions that do not seem rational at first sight.

Options, Futures and other Derivatives

Options, Futures and other Derivatives (1997 1st edition)

Academic / Finance

Author(s): John C. Hull

The bible of derivatives pricing. The book goes through most of the known financial derivatives and how they should be priced step by step. Includes a lot of examples and excercises.

Making It Happen

Making It Happen: Fred Goodwin, RBS and the men who blew up the British economy (2013)


Author(s): Iain Martin

The rise and fall of the Royal Bank of Scotland. The book revolves around Fred Goodwin and his rise through the corporate world until he made it to the the top of RBS and how it all went wrong during the financial crisis of 2008.


McMafia (2008)


Author(s): Misha Glenny

The economics of the globalized crime world. The book covers a lot of underground crime culture (it gets a bit crude sometimes), the numbers behind this activities and how they are everywhere around the world.

Rise of the Robots

Rise of the Robots (2015)


Author(s): Martin Ford

How Artificial Intelligence is shaping the labor market and how could it be disruptive in the future. The book features a lot of advancements in AI/Robotics, the jobs they can do right now and the jobs they will be able to do in the future.

Mining the Social Web

Mining the Social Web (2011)

Academic / Programming

Author(s): Matthew A Russell

How to mine data from many well known websites: Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+ and Github. Most of the recipes are written in python, the reader will find many of them very useful.

Python Machine Learning

Python Machine Learning (2015)

Academic / Programming

Author(s): Sebastian Raschka

Great book about the implementation of many machine learning techniques with python. From the most basic recipes like perceptrons to neural networks, the book explains very well each of the tools used with examples and graphs.

Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton (2004)


Author(s): Ron Chernow

One of the best books I've read. Considering that it starts in 1755 and ends in the beginning of the 1800s, the amount of details are huge. The book does not only cover the life of Hamilton but also all the important historic sucesses around his life like the American Revolutionary War, The Ratification of the Constitution and the birth of the U.S. government as we know it.

Mastering Pandas for Finance

Mastering Pandas for Finance (2015)

Academic / Programming

Author(s): Michael Heydt

The books starts with how to handle data with python and then explorers many financial strategies for investing like using google trends, automated trading, option pricing and portfolio modeling.

The Alchemists

The Alchemists (2013)


Author(s): Neil Irwin

This book focuses first in the history of central banking and then in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008 and the european crisis with many details about how were the decisions taken and why.

The Myth of the Rational Market

The Myth of the Rational Market (2009)


Author(s): Justin Fox

This book covers the rise and fall of the efficient market hypothesis. The story  starts with Irving Fisher and tells the many schools of thought regarding economics during the 20th century.

Practical Methods of Financial Engineering and Risk Management

Practical Methods of Financial Engineering and Risk Management (2014)

Academic / Finance

Author(s): Rupak Chatterjee

Technical book about yield curves, stochastic processes, monte carlo methods, credit derivatives, new financial regulation and power law adjustments.

Mastering Python for Finance

Mastering Python for Finance (2015)

Academic / Programming

Author(s): James Ma Weiming

Similar to Python for Finance with some more mathematical topics. The recipes include option pricing using classic BS and different binomial trees methods, yield curves, volatility indexes, automated trading and big data.

Too Big to Fail

Too Big to Fail (2009)


Author(s): Andrew Ross Sorkin

Great book with a lot of details that covers the period since the government exponsored acquisition of Bearn Stearns by JP Morgan until the direct liquidity injections under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP).

Monday, September 5, 2016

Derivatives Analytics with Python

Derivatives Analytics with Python (2015)

Academic / Programming

Author(s): Yves Hilpisch

The next level of Python for finance. Written by the same author, the book deals with more advanced topics like the formal framework for derivatives pricing.

Python for Finance

Python for Finance (2014)

Academic / Programming

Author(s): Yves Hilpisch

The first applied programming book I read (after doing some online courses). The books makes a great introduction of Numpy, Scipy, dataframes, and lays down many good examples of uses of python for finance like Black-Scholes, basic strategies for backtesting, and the creation of financial graphs.

How I Became a Quant

How I Became a Quant (2007)


Author(s): Richard R. Lindsey & Barry Schachter

The book tells 24 stories about 25 Quants, how they landed in their jobs and what do they do. Some of them are: Peter Muller, Cliff Asness, David Leinweber and Andrew Weisman.

The House of Morgan

The House of Morgan (1990)


Author(s): Ron Chernow

One of my favorites, the book is very rich in details and covers and extensive period of time. The story starts with George Peabody and his joint business with Junius Morgan back in the 1860s and ends a few years after the Guinness Scandal.

Too Good to be True

Too Good to be True (2009)


Author(s): Erin Arvedlund

A history of Bernie Madoff, his methods to hide his fraud and the more important providers of funds involved in his scam.

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Intelligent Investor

The Intelligent Investor (1949)


Author(s): Benjamin Graham

The bibble of value investing, a must for everyone in finance and one of Warren Buffet's favorite books, he also wrote parte of the preface. The book includes classic P/E valuations, outstanding debt, book value, earnings growth and many more.

The Ascent of Money

The Ascent of Money (2008)


Author(s): Niall Ferguson

An adaptation of a television series, the book deals with the history of money as a form of payment. From the ancient Babylonia, going through the Medicis during the Renaissance, the Rothschilds, and modern day financial globalization and bubbles.

Barbarians at the Gate

Barbarians at the Gate (1989)


Author(s): Bryan Burrough & John Helyar

Another one of my favorites. The book goes through the history of RJR, Nabisco, their merger and the race to acquire the company by many players including KKR, the original board of the company, and many Wall Street firms.

Against the Gods

Against the Gods (1996)


Author(s): Peter L. Bernstein

The history of the understanding of risk across many centuries. From ancient greece to Fibonacci, Pascal and Fermat, the books covers many statistics related subjects like game theory, chaos theory and the stock market.